Bill’s Blogs

Tunguska Seminar 01.2
Hiroshima Castle, after the bomb

The Making of a Thriller: Postscript, Part III
Quantum Brains! Last time we closed with:[1] As we progress up the evolutionary ladder toward more and more complex organisms, there seems to be a concomitant tendency for quantum effects in those organisms to experience longer and longer coherence lifetimes. ... And...

Tunguska Seminar 01.1
Honey, I Lost the Crater! By Dr. John C. (“Jack”) Adler, as told to Bill DeSmedt Howdy, folks, and welcome to my Soapbox Seminar Series all about the Tunguska Event of 1908. Just what the heck is the Tunguska Event, you ask? Well, thereby hangs a tale ... * * * At...

The Making of a Thriller: Postscript, Part II
That was Then — This is Now Last time, we left off Part I of what’s become a three-part blog postscript (is that even a thing?) with the observation that — As with quantum decoherence itself, the problem with Max Tegmark’s reprise was its timing. In a word, 2014 was...

The Making of a Thriller: Postscript, Part I
Quantum Consciousness? So, I thought (hoped) that this blog series would be done once I finished Part IV, and I could get on to my (many, many) multiple-part investigation of the Tunguska Event — not to mention upgrading an old AI hack of mine for a freeware release...

The Making of a Thriller: Part IV
Quantum Dualism? — We closed Part III of this blog series on a glimmer of hope that consciousness might in fact be a “real” thing, in some way separate and apart from the physical universe in which it finds itself. By the same token, this threatened to land us back...

The Making of a Thriller: Part III
Consciousness & Other Stories — When we left off last time we were marveling at the hoops that philosophers like John Searle and David Chalmers seemed willing to jump through in hopes of finding that mind is not simply reducible to gross materiality. And we closed...

The Making of a Thriller: Part II
Mind Games — As Part I of this “Making of a Thriller” blog series drew to a close, it alluded to a conundrum on which the plot of my technothriller Dualism was said to turn. Which is to say that Dualism the novel spends at least part of its time grappling with Dualism...

The Making of a Thriller: Part I
The MacGuffin Hunt — Two scenes and a thought experiment, that’s where my second technothriller, Dualism, started. For a while there after I finished writing Singularity, I thought I was done writing, period. I’d exorcised this incubus of an idea that’d had me...
Review: Anderson’s A Midsummer Tempest
Poul Anderson, A Midsummer Tempest, 1974 — Imagine an alternate universe in which every word written by William Shakespeare was the literal, historical truth. Since that, in turn, would imply the existence of clocks capable of chiming the hour in Julius Caesar's Rome...