Tunguska Seminar 07.1

Tunguska Seminar 07.1

The Aleph — By Dr. John C. (“Jack”) Adler, as told to Bill DeSmedt  Last time, we looked at the anatomy of a black hole, what little there is of it (just mass, spin, and charge, remember?). More particularly, we looked at its core singularity, and at how an event...
Tunguska Seminar 06 —

Tunguska Seminar 06 —

Beyond the Black Horizon By Dr. John C. (“Jack”) Adler, as told to Bill DeSmedt When we left off last time, we’d just got done scrunching several suns’ worth of mass down into a black hole. Now it’s time to take a look inside, at what’s called a “singularity.” Calling...
Tunguska Seminar 05

Tunguska Seminar 05

A Black Hole Primer By Dr. John C. (“Jack”) Adler, as told to Bill DeSmedt Last time, you’ll recall, we were saying that maybe the key to the Tunguska riddle lies in the nature of primordial black holes, like the one the Jackson-Ryan hypothesis claims...